Friday, July 17, 2009

i vote russell brand as president!

don't worry, i'm just kidding. and even if i put that vote forward, i seriously doubt it will get very far. the serious and older generations would all vote for some boring, bushy-browed, grey-haired politician instead. that is the sadness of life. on the other hand, here's the brightside! ITS HOLIDAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!! so i have been running free and wild :) what have i been up to, you ask? well...
nicoletta fetta face came over for a mega sleepover. went to see HARRY POTTER & THE HALF-BLOOD PRINCE!!!!!! it was awesomeeeeeeeeee. we went on the first day of the movie's release like true hardcore, diehard HP fans. unlike some peeps. spent the whole night watching heaps of mad movies: He's just not that into you, Thirteen and Slumdog Millionaire, Forgetting Sarah Marshall. He's just that into you was okay, but I'm just either really good at guessing whats gonna happen or that movie was way too predictable. c'mon... we all knew that BEN was gonna cheat with Scarlett Johannson (ANNA). and the thing with ALEX, honestly i could see that he was gonna fall for GIGI. btw GIGI is unbelievably girly-stupid and thankgod she got matched with someone blunt and insensitive like ALEX. the only thing holding me back from shooting the screen everytime GIGI did something unbelievably completely inevitably STUPID was the fact that i would break my laptop and get into craploads of trouble.

was CRAP. CRAPPITY CRAP CRAP CRAP CRAPPO. Slumdog Millionaire was interesting. the Jai Ho dancing was bloody hilarious!!!!! Jamal is really unemotional though which is weird.. cos usually the faces of tortured people are contorted in pain and they're yelling "I BEG YOU FOR MERCY!!!" but Jamal is like like... expressionless... wtf, i know. last but not least... 'Forgetting Sarah Marshall'. FAR OUT RUSSELL BRAND should be the star of the movie not that sad loser who was Sarah's ex (even though he wrote a really mad puppet opera about Dracula). Russell Brand is bloody hilarious. gotta love his accent!!!!! he has a rather strange obsession with wearing short shorts though. hmm..

p.s. found this hilarious website. love the humour they use although it's american. *gasp* i know, i know... but you've gotta give it to them, they sure know how to kill time when your bored. heres the link, folks:


Tuesday, July 14, 2009


*does celebration dance*
why it seems to be the holidays. yes, the beloved and cherished breaks between terms of so-called 'school'. its very refreshing sleeping at midnight and waking up 10 hours or more later :D i usually only get 8 or so hours of sleep when schools on. sometimes not even, if i've got some crappo co-curricular or project/assignment going lets refill y'all on the lovely things i've been up to ever since the holidays have begun (the tenessee thang with y'all is really catchy, i blame the hannah montana movie) :

day 1) SATURDAY- ahhh fabby day. met up with a good ol' pally of mine, the loch ness monster. funnily people don't call her that. she goes by the name of vanessa to normal people. so we spent some time at my home-sweet-home 'chillaxing' before heading off to chinatown for some yum cha. then... it was finally time to HIT THE SHOPS!!!! cos it was too cold and rainy-ish for luna park :( didn't get that much, just some nail polish and a new bracelet. BUT BUT BUT... we got some awesome balloon hats from the asian clownman busking on pitt street. sad farewell at the end of the day, but all is ok, will prolly be seeing her again sometime this week. sorry for the super blurry pic btw. 

day 2) SUNDAY- really long sleep in before getting rudely awakened by my mother screeching at me - marvelous just what every girl wants on a sunny sunday morning. ate at some LAO place. then headed to my old hometown of hurzy. ended up catching a movie at westfields. would've been good if only the movie wasnt HANNAH MONTANA. it wasnt that bad at the end. BUT, did anyone else notice how retarded travis's voice was? and the plot didn't add up in the end. considering that it's a tween disney movie, its good by standards.

day 3) MONDAY- dad insisted on me joining in with the two brats in their ice skating lessons. these damn things go on for a whole week. whippee!!!! joy!!! i was soooo not looking forward to it. but it turned out to be really fun. and i'm proud to say i didn't fall over even ONCE. but heaps of other peeps did, gave me a real laugh. but dw i'm not that slack, i made sure they couldnt see that i was laughing my head off. 

today- TUESDAY: went ice skating again, except brought other peeps along which made it better then yesterday. biggest laugh of the day: a teenaged wog guy who was fully like "OH IM SOOO PRO, ice skating is EEEASSYYYYYY...." totally failed at skating. he ended up smashing the floor heaps of times. his mummy had to end up borrowing elbow pads, knee pads and a kiddy helmet for him. his whole gang of homies were howling like hyenas. pfft... even a old asian granny laughed at him. 

so my loyal (i hope) blog-followers... there it is. my holidays so far. la di da daaaaaa..... :)