okey dokey... i'm assuming everybody has had the whole argument with their mum over their amount of girly-ness. if your vietnamese, thats a definite yes already. well its the usual thing, your mum either annoyingly accuses you of being a total tomboy or tells you off for being such a girly-girl. however my friends, it seems that i have been wrongly accused of being BOTH at the same time. how does that work? don't ask me, honestly... how should i know how the minds of mums work?
there is an obvious distinction between a girly-girl and a tomboy. but for those who are a tad weary and forgetful, i'm being kind enough to give you a recap:
girly-girl: loves to wear make-up either everyday or every chance they get, wears perfume (usually has a 'custom' scent), visits a beauty salon to get hair and nails done, listens to pop music or a particular band/artist that features songs frequently based around love, ADORES LOVES and basically BREATHES the colour PINK etc.
tomboy: likes playing sport and plays just as well or even *gasp* better then guys their age, unafraid of getting clothes dirty for a bit of fun, jokes around a lot, unafraid of creepy crawlies, plays rough, hates make-up, would never be caught dead in a skirt or dress etc.
i can say that i'm a mixture of both. i dont scream if i see creepy crawlies, i actually dont mind getting my jeans dirty but i wear skirts and dresses too. i play sport. who doesnt like dressing up sometimes? every girl wants to get compliments every once in a while. so i'm going to wear this badge proudly even though my mumma doesnt like it. but what can i say? i am me and thats all i'll ever be. hey that rhymes! ahh... such a poet i'm turning out to be :)